Our Thoughts are our Prayers

Whatever we keep thinking throughout the day, whatever things we keep worrying about, whatever things we crib about or are scared of, those very thoughts and fears keep manifesting in our life. We get even more worried and frustrated that despite our repeated prayer requests we got what we never desired. We ask the question “Why are our prayers not answered? Why do our prayers manifest our worries and fears instead of the joys and prosperity for which we have been praying consistently?
What happens is that our subconscious mind manifests in our lives only those images and thoughts which we keep repeating throughout the day and which are loaded with very strong emotions and feelings. Since our fears and worries are much stronger and effective as compared to our prayers which carry our desires, therefore our prayers become useless and ineffective. The subconscious thus keeps manifesting our fears and worries instead of our desires.
If we want our prayers to be effective in bringing out the desired results, we will have to follow the techniques of effective prayer.

What are the effective techniques of prayer?

We have been taught since childhood to beg heavenly powers in order to seek help for the fulfillment of our desires and for the solution of our problems. This is called “the technique of begging” which is our biggest mistake. We are all the time begging divine forces whereas the law of the universe is “Whoever has, will be given more, and they will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them”. Therefore, whoever begs will remain a beggar forever. The beggar always says that he has nothing and whoever does not have, he does not get anything. This is called the “law of attraction”: sorrow brings more sorrows; joy brings more joys and happiness, wealth brings more wealth and abundance.

The experts of divine sciences say that “whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”. They emphasize the power of “faith”. This means that if a person is sick and needs healing from his sickness, he must visualize and feel that he has been healed. He must imagine and feel himself to be perfectly whole and healthy. He must visualize himself sitting in his doctor’s clinic and his doctor is saying to him: “Your tests show that you are perfectly fit and fine”. He must hear the doctor’s voice in his ears and thank God for his perfect healing. He must sing and dance in his imagination. He must repeatedly visualize these images to such an extent that the images are felt as a solid and concrete reality. If that person succeeds in feeling himself to be perfectly healthy, his prayers will be answered and his desires will be fulfilled because as per the universal law ‘whoever has will be given more’. The fulfillment of your desire or the answer to your prayer is directly proportional to the strength and firmness of the feeling and image of the fulfillment of your desire. Dance with joy in your imagination at the thought of the fulfillment of your desire. Enjoy this feeling of achievement of your goals. Make your image and visualization as concrete and solid as possible. So much concrete and solid that you feel the desired thing existing right in your hands, in your house; touch it, smell it, hear it, taste it. Feel receiving messages of greetings and congratulations for it and thank the heavens for all these blessings and joys. This is your real prayer and not the one you are asking as a beggar.

Never keep standing between your desire and the divine powers. Once you submit your desire to universal forces, you must take yourself out of this equation. Once we submit our desire to the Universal Forces, our job is over. We must feel relieved and relaxed. No more fears, no more worries. In practicing this law, people often make a mistake. They visualize the fulfillment of their desires appropriately but then, throughout the day, they keep their minds occupied by their fears and worries: ‘I don’t know whether I’ll ever get healing from my disorder, doctors say there is no treatment of this malady, my health is as bad as ever, there appears to be no improvement’, so on and so forth. This is what is called: standing between your desire and the Universal Powers or submission. Since our recurring worries and fears are much stronger and more forceful than our prayers therefore the whole edifice of visualized desires crumbles down and our weak prayers remain futile. The result is zero, our faith in prayer dwindles down, and our heart and mind get even more loaded with worries and frustrations. This psychological cycle keeps going on and we get trapped in this whirlpool of our own thoughts. We keep on shutting all the exits of getting out of this trap due to our own negative and crooked thoughts.

Our negative and pessimistic thinking keeps dragging us to the brink of psychological disaster. In this sort of situation our prayers are never answered because our real prayers are the worries, fears and anxieties which keep haunting us all the time. We need to get rid, as a first step, of all the fears and worries and get ourselves lost into the ecstasy and joy of the fulfillment of our desire. Whenever worries and fears haunt us, we must throw them away replacing them with the thoughts of joy, glee and success. We need to train our mind to think in this positive manner.

There is one more condition which we need to take care of. We must never visualize or imagine the desired thing, activity or action as something we are watching on a movie screen. This is a very important point to be noted. Do not see yourself as a hero or actor in a movie and you are sitting and watching the movie. Rather you must feel yourself in the movie fully involved in the action. Do not watch sitting outside. Get into the drama or the action. Feel it happening in reality. Do not sit outside and see yourself playing football or cricket. Feel yourself into the field playing football or cricket. Feel every movement, feel the smells, feel the fatigue, feel the emotions, feel the touch, colours, sounds, taste, etc.

Use solid and concrete images in your prayer. Experts in psychology and divinity say that our subconscious mind accepts sensory feelings more than the words. Therefore, the more you use the sensory feelings the more will be the likelihood of your prayer being answered. Just plain simple words are meaningless to the subconscious mind. The incidents of our life are in the form of sensory experiences rather than words. Our memories are a collection of sensory experiences. All these facts point to the importance of sensory nature of the request we submit to our subconscious mind. If we want our request to reach or enter the subconscious mind, we need to envelop it into sensory experiences. We may call such experience a vision.

Whatever is your desire, bring it into your mind in this manner and apply the techniques we have just discussed. You can make a vision for your health, for the welfare of your family, for the future of your children, for the welfare and better relations with your relatives and dear ones, for progress and promotion in your job, for peace and love in the world. Since these techniques are based upon the laws of nature, on the principles of the universe, therefore you will always be successful provided your prayer fulfils all the conditions of the prayer techniques. The Almighty and all His universal forces are with you. He is in your heart and mind. He is your own subconscious mind. He is not in the heavens above. He is right inside you. Look for Him and try to discover Him in your heart and mind. Speak to God, Allah, Bhagwan or your subconscious mind. He will answer you and will fulfill all your desires. Say thanks for everything and at all times. Get yourself immersed into the feelings of gratitude. Become one with your desire. Fill your mind with positive ideas: “I am successful, I am prosperous, I am healthy and perfect, I am wealthy and rich, I am the winner, I am the peace, I am the patience, and I am the love”. Feel the infinite joy, unlimited peace and freedom from worries.

Mumtaz Shah